Are you looking after your VAT?
VAT is often overlooked as a business risk but in reality, it poses a significant risk if the myriad of VAT rules are not complied with.
The Risk
Penalties can be up to 30% for careless errors, and there is plenty to get wrong. In the last 18 months we have had domestic reverse charge for construction services, Brexit which has impacted many businesses differently, Postponed Import VAT, new VAT rates for the hospitality/hotel sectors and from April 2022, Making Tax Digital will be a mandatory for all VAT registered businesses.
Rayner Essex VAT Service
The Rayner Essex VAT Service (REVS) is here to help your business navigate the complexities of VAT and to minimise the potential risks the business is exposed to. A VAT health check could save you money or improve efficiencies in terms of cashflow or administrative time. We offer both one-off health checks as well as on-going VAT helpline support or just one-off projects.
Don’t let VAT stall your business engine, “rev it up” with our dedicated VAT service and expertise.
Click on our handy infographic above to download or get in touch with Jason Croke our VAT Director for more information.
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