Specialist Tax Investigation Services in London & Hertfordshire
Have you had an enquiry relating to your company or personal tax from HMRC?
It is important you seek professional advice as soon as you are aware of any HMRC tax investigations.
Tax Investigation Services
An investigation is often unexpected, can last a long time and can be extremely stressful. Getting the right advice at the beginning can ensure that your investigation starts and continues on the right track.
Our team has extensive experience assisting clients with a vast range of issues. These range from Corporation Tax, Income Tax and VAT investigations, through to PAYE investigations.
Our team keeps you up to date at every stage of your investigation. We will also ensure that you reach the end of your tax enquiry with minimum stress and disruption and you only pay any taxes that are due.
Fee Protection Service
We also provide a very competitive fee protection insurance service. This will enable you to insure against the professional costs of a HMRC enquiry.
Meet our experts